


The Study of Training and Development Procedural Justice, Professional Commitment and Presenteeism in Social Work Field: Regulatory Focus as a Mediated Moderator


洪贊凱(Tsang-Kai Hung);陳維倫(Wei-Lun Chen)


訓練發展程序公平 ; 調節焦點 ; 積極出勤 ; 中介型干擾 ; Training and Development Procedural Justice ; Regulatory Focus ; Presenteeism ; Mediated Moderation




4卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


115 - 134






Extant literature indicates presenteeism harms the organization but few studies investigate the individuals' underlying motives toward presenteeism, especially for those professional workers who face a wide range of difficulties and challenges in their daily work (e.g., social workers). Improving their professional ability through a fair training and development program becomes a critical issue. Present study examines the role of professional commitment in the relationship between training and development procedural justice and presenteeism and tests whether this relationship is further moderated by different regulatory focus (mediated moderation). Present study assessed the relationships among training and development procedural justice, professional commitment, presenteeism and regulator focus. A total 667 social workers were sampled and resulted in 415 valid surveys with a valid return rate of 62.2%. Results of hierarchical multiple regressions revealed: 1. training and development procedural justice was positive related to presenteeism and professional commitment; 2. professional commitment partial mediated the relationship between training and development procedural justice and presenteeism; 3. regulatory focus moderated the relationships between training and development procedural justice and presenteeism and between training and development procedural justice and professional commitment; 4. the effect of interaction of training and development procedural justice and regulatory focus on presenteeism was mediated by professional commitment. Implication for practice and further research are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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