


The Effect of Blog Endorsers on Word-of-Mouth Intention: Reading Motives as Moderators


呂文琴(Wen-Chin Lu);蔡瑤昇(Yau-Sheng Tsai);洪志州(Chih-Chou Hung);高國書(Guo-Shu Kao)


部落格 ; 代言人 ; 口碑意圖 ; 閱讀動機 ; 瀏覽者 ; Blog ; Endorser ; Word-of-mouth Intention ; Reading Motives ; Readers




4卷3期(2012 / 10 / 01)


189 - 203






Firms and blog writers, such as experts, celebrities and typical consumers are more and more popular in cooperation. Most previous blog studies focus on the blog writers, but the impact of WOM (word-of-mouth) in blogs always goes along with the readers. Different reading motives may lead readers to have different word-of-mouth intention. Therefore, this study aims the blog endorsers to examine the influence with word-of-mouth intention from perspectives of readers. Moreover, we consider the reading motives as moderators and investigate the effect between blog endorsers and the word-of-mouth intention from the perspective of readers. This study conducted the on-line questionnaires through experiment design of the blog. There were 332 effective questionnaires from 419 respondents. We find that the blog endorsers' positive endorsements have obviously enhanced word-of-mouth intention of readers and the endorsement of celebrity has the most influence. Second, all of the reading motives have positive effect on word-of-mouth intention and also exist the moderating effect between the endorsements of blog endorsers and word-of-mouth intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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