


Exploring the Impact of Perception and Expectation of Service Quality on Loyalty between Distributor and Retailer Based on the Perspective of Operation and Sale


林淑瓊(Shu-Chiung Lin);陳海璆(Hai-Chiew Tan);陳煇煌(Huei-Huang Chen);林衛國(Wei-Kuo Lin)


服務品質 ; 關係品質 ; 忠誠度 ; 承諾 ; Service Quality ; Relationship Quality ; Loyalty ; Commitment




6卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


19 - 38






Building and managing relationship between cooperative partners is an important work of organization development. Specially, the interaction between upstream and downstream organizations in supply chain directly influences on the business management and sale process. In addition, one company will bring about different expectation and perception for cooperative partner in the process of providing service to impact on cooperative relationship between them. Previous studies are less than discussing to improve the interactive relationship between cooperative partners based on the aspect of management and sale. The purpose of this study is to examine the interactive relationship and operation with management of channel between distributor and retailer based on service quality, relationship quality and loyalty. This study establishes theoretical model firstly through literature reviews and analyzes interactive relationship between distributors and retailers in Malaysia and Taiwan separately based on case study methodology. Then, this study explains the linkage relationship among service quality, relationship quality and loyalty within distributors and retailers according the result of cross case study analysis. The findings of this study show that commitment is a critical consideration to maintain goodwill relationship quality while satisfaction and trust which are existed in the original construct of relationship quality are not the elements to maintain or enhance relationship quality. But, trust is an important essence to improve loyalty in transaction process and providing measurement evaluation of satisfiable service quality can promote relationship linkage. The managerial implication is to firstly satisfy evaluation of service quality between distributor and retailer and then to establish cooperative relationship and also to improve the loyalty belief of both of them. In addition, commitment is a cornerstone to manifest relationship quality and then practice loyalty with provide excellent service quality. The results provide several important implications to practitioners and academicians of supply chain system for valuable references.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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