


Exploratory Analysis of the Impact of Chinese Enterprises' Experiential Marketing and Limited-Edition Product Marketing to Consumer's Perception: A Case of Smartphone Industry


陳澤義(Tser-Yieth Chen);陳建榮(Jin-Long Chen);劉祥熹(Hsiang-His Liu);楊甯伊(Ning-Yi Yang)


體驗行銷 ; 限量版行銷 ; 媒體豐富性 ; 科技接受模型 ; 智慧型手機 ; Experiential Marketing ; Limited-edition Product Marketing ; Uniqueness ; Media Richness ; Consumer's Perception ; Smartphone




8卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


283 - 300




智慧型手機產業至今已經在全世界快速成長。為了成功吸引消費者,智慧型手機業者必需學習何種行銷策略可以有效吸引到消費者的目光。因此本研究調查體驗行銷和限量版行銷是否可以藉由產品屬性(媒體豐富度和獨特性)的中介效果影響消費者的認知(有用性、易用性和有趣性)。本研究採用LISREL 技術分析變數間的因果關係,並且採用配額抽樣在大台北地區收集樣本。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷相對於限量版行銷而言更可以增加消費者的正面認知。手機業者可針對若干要素(如感官體驗、觸覺體驗、思維體驗、行動體驗與相關體驗等),設計多樣化的行銷方案;此外,手機業者亦可設計更有用且具吸引力的功能內容(如強化溝通品質、加添不同介面、更具吸引力的主題、互動性遊戲與傳遞多種格式的內容等),以更新媒體服務,提升媒體豐富性,吸引潛在的消費者。本研究結果可以提供智慧型手機業者策略發展的實質建議。


To date, smartphone industry has experienced rapid growth over the world. To successfully attract consumers, smartphone vendors should learn about which marketing strategies can effectively attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, this study would like to examine whether experiential marketing and limited-edition product marketing can affect the consumers' perception (usefulness, ease of use, and playfulness) through the mediating role of product attributes (media richness and uniqueness). LISREL technique was employed to analyze the relationship among these variables, and the sample was obtained by quota sampling from Great Taipei Area. The results showed that experiential marketing has a greater effect than limited-edition product marketing on consumer's perception. The smartphone company could design their differential marketing strategies towards the factors (e.g. sense experience, feel experience, think experience, act experience and relate experience) that can contribute to the experiential value with targeting customers. Additionally, smartphone companies could design more useful and interesting functions/content (enhance the communication quality, add various interface and attracting theme, increase some interactive game and transmit multi-format of content) as well as frequently updated their media service for attracting more potential customers. The findings can provide useful suggestions for smartphone vendors in strategy development.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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