


Causes and Consequences of Users Online Anonymity Concern




林南宏(Nan-Hong Lin);胡珈瑄(Chia-Hsuan Hu)


匿名性 ; 網路溝通恐懼 ; 保護隱私權 ; 注意社會比較訊息 ; 溝通滿足 ; 自我揭露 ; 去個人化 ; Anonymity ; Computer-mediated Communication Apprehension ; Privacy Protection ; Attention to Social Comparison Information ; Communication Satisfaction ; Self-Disclosure ; Deindividuation




9卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


17 - 36




網際網路的匿名特性除了增進網路溝通、可保有個人隱私權、有助於特定主題的自由言論發表的正面效果外,亦會帶來諸如:逃避責任歸屬、網路犯罪等負面效果,因此了解匿名的原因及影響是有其必要性的。本研究突破過去網路匿名性研究的不足之處,對網路匿名傾向作一整合性的研究,並說明網路上使用者採用匿名行為的前因及其影響結果之間的因果關係。 研究結果顯示:網路使用者在「網路溝通恐懼」、「保護隱私權」與「注意社會比較訊息」等三項動機上都對「匿名傾向」有顯著的正向影響。對本研究的樣本而言在產生匿名行為的動機成因上,應答者最顧慮隱私權的保護。其次,網路使用者匿名傾向的正面效果上,溝通的滿足感高過於揭露自我資訊的行為。


The nature of anonymity inherent on the Internet not only produces positive effects, including to improve online communication, and to protect privacy which benefits the freedom of speech on specific issues, but also brings about some negative effects, such as getting rid of responsibility and network crimes. Hence, it is a must to understand the causes and consequences of online anonymity concern. This study makes a breakthrough to the lack of the extant research on online anonymity in terms of an integrated research in order to explain the causes and the consequences of anonymity behavior adopted by online users. The findings reveal that, for online users, the three motivations of Computer-mediated Communication Apprehension, Privacy Protection and Attention to Social Comparison Information have significantly positive effects on anonymity concern. Among them, privacy protection concerns online users most. Next, on the positive effect of anonymity concern, the communication satisfaction outweighs the self-disclosure.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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