


The Dialectic of Strategy Decisiveness: The Case of Modern Taiwanese Entrepreneurs




周志儒(Chih-Ju Chou)


自我效能 ; 決斷力 ; 自我哲學 ; 創業家 ; Self-efficacy ; Decisiveness ; Self-philosophy ; Entrepreneur




9卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


51 - 66




本研究以質性方法深掘企業創辦人自我效能與決斷力的認知與行動變遷脈絡發展。從探討社會認知理論之個體、行為、環境的交互作用與管理科學的思想整合出發,逐步探索創業家個人的行為認知與內化經驗之間在自我效能與決斷力的交互作用後,其個人認知思維的變遷。進而在其心靈深層裡發展屬於個人專有、 適合自己文化基礎的自我哲學。本研究深入場域觀察到,創業家在其行為變遷過程中認知的發展和決斷力的養成方法,成為自我哲學發展過程,並進一步將質性研究結果推導出理論模型。此思維希望能提供了探尋的出發點,而不是終點。本研究貢獻不僅提供後續研究者設計研究建議進行分析並提出系統綱領,更使本研究結論更具有科學性與實踐性之參考認知。


In this article, we used qualitative measurements to study the development of the cognition of self-efficacy and the process of action transformation of an entrepreneur. We first investigated the interaction between individually behavior and environment mentioned in social cognitive theory and its integration with the thinking of management sciences. Subsequently, we explored the cognition and internalization of an entrepreneur's action and the reciprocation with self-efficacy and decisiveness as well as the transformation of personal cognition. This led to the development of a personalized and cultural-based self-philosophy. In-depth field observation suggested the cognition and decisiveness development process of an entrepreneur during transformation as the method for self-philosophy development and further established a theoretical model based on the result of the qualitative study. Our findings provide a ground for a starting point and not an end for investigation. This study not only provides research designs that can serve as references for future studies, but the systemic guideline suggested by result analysis further provides scientific and practical support.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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