


Office Online Group Buying Is a Social Shopping: Exploring Relationships among Motivation, Intention and Behavior of Primary School Teachers




凃保民(Bau-Min Tu);王姿喬(Tz-Cho Wang)


辦公室網路團購 ; 動機理論 ; 理性行為理論 ; 社交購物 ; 購買意圖 ; Office Online Group Buying ; Motivation Theory ; Theory of Reasoned Action ; Social Shopping ; Purchasing Intention




9卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


119 - 140




隨著各類型電子商務的發展,辦公室網路團購逐漸成為員工在工作閒暇的活動之一,為辦公室的緊張氣氛舒緩些許壓力。辦公室網路團購不僅彙集相同產品需求以提高與賣方的議價能力來得到更多折扣,也可提高整體採購金額達免運費門檻。本研究以動機理論與理性行為理論為基礎,整合個人動機與社交動機觀點來進行研究議題之探討。本研究採用問卷調查法,並以參與過辦公室網路團購的台南市公立國小教師為研究對象。總計發出問卷415 份,剔除填答不完整及未參與團購者,剩有效問卷370 份。問卷數據以SmartPLS 及SPSS 進行分析,重要結論如下:(1)個人動機的快樂動機與價格,以及社交動機的從眾行為、主購者特質與促進人際關係等動機因素為影響辦公室網路團購意圖的重要因素;(2)從眾行為、主購者特質與促進人際關係等社交動機,對於購買意圖與購買行為之影響力,均高於快樂動機與價格等個人動機。研究結果顯示參與辦公室網路團購者其個人動機與社交動機兼具,不僅改善了以往研究只偏重單一研究面向的問題,也代表本研究之整合模式可有效解釋團購參與者動機、意圖與行為間之關係。此外,研究結果也顯示社交動機的影響力高於個人動機,因此辦公室網路團購是一種以社交購物為主之購物行為。


With the growth of various kinds of e-commerce, office online group buying (OOGB) , which lessens the tense atmosphere in the offices, is becoming one of the leisure activities for employees. OOGB not only puts together requests for same products to increase bargaining power but also enhances total purchasing amount to get free shipping. The study is based on motivation theory and theory of reasoned action, integrating perspectives of personal motives and social motives to look into the issue. The study uses the questionnaire method and subjects are public elementary school teachers in Tainan who have taken part in OOGB. In total, there are 415 questionnaires handed out and after eliminating those with incomplete answers and respondents who have never joined OOGB, 370 questionnaires remain valid. The acquired data are analyzed by SmartPLS and SPSS and conclusions are: (1) Vital factors to affect OOGB members' intention are hedonic motivation and price in personal motives, herd behavior in social motives, along with initiators' characteristics and improving interpersonal relationships; (2) social motives such as herd behavior, initiators' characteristics and improving interpersonal relationships has stronger impact on purchasing intention and purchasing behaviors than personal motives such as hedonic motivation and price. Results of the study show that there are both personal motives and social motives for anyone who joins OOGB and that the study improves the problem that studies in the past only looked at personal motives or social motives. At the same time, results also prove that consolidation pattern used in the study has clearer explanation on the relationships among the motivation, intention, and behavior of the OOGB members. Moreover, results of the study also indicates social motives have deeper influence than personal motives, which means OOGB is a purchasing behavior based on social shopping.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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