


The Impact of Social Support on Caregivers' Compassion Fatigue in the Long-Term Care Institution




王精文(Ching-Wen Wang);陸佳瑩(Chia-Ying Lu);盛彧(Yu Sheng)


悲憫疲憊 ; 離職傾向 ; 工作績效 ; 社會支持 ; Compassion Fatigue ; Turnover Intention ; Job Performance ; Social Support




12卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


195 - 210






The caregivers are the frontline staff to provide service and the key factors of caring quality. When the caregivers are faced with the illness and the death of the aging elderly, they would feel exhausted due to the pressure, which therefore affects their job performance and intends to quit. At this time, social support plays an important role, assisting caregivers to overcome different stress. The focus of this study is to explore the relationship between caregivers' compassion fatigue and their turnover intention and job performance, and how the social support can act as the moderator. This research questionnaire collected data from the long-term care facility of a nonpublic entity in in the central area of Taiwan. The data was gathered from 84 caregivers. The results of the study find that the more serious the compassion fatigue that the caregivers experiences, the greater rates of turnover intention they have. Besides, both peers and friends' supports and family members' support moderate between compassion fatigue and turnover intention. To improve the turnover rates of the caregivers, enterprises can provide employee assistance programs through professional system in the future, preventing and solving the problems that affect caregivers' job performance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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