


Examine a Cross-Industry Cooperation Model between Swimming and Long-Term Care Services Industries




高立學(Li-Shiue Gau);曲宏義(Hung-Yi Chu);張育嘉(Yu-Chia Chang);羅伊婷(Yi-Ting Lo);陳佑晃(Yu-Huang Chen)


運動服務 ; 長期照護 ; 游泳 ; 體適能 ; 跨業合作 ; Sport Service ; Long-Term Care ; Physical Fitness ; Swimming ; Cross-Industry Cooperation




12卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


285 - 297






This empirical research project adopts a sport industry case with a 10-week swimming program to examine a cross-industry cooperation model between swimming and long-term care services industries. An experimental research design with prior- and post- tests is used. The experimental group and the control group have 10 and 11 participants respectively. People in the experimental group took the 10-week swimming program. The measures include items about activity of daily living and the functional physical fitness tests. This research project also conducted observations during the 10 -week swimming program and interviews with sports service providers, long-term care managers, participants, swimming coaches and nursing staff to catch the key success factors influencing the cross-industry cooperation between sport and long-term care services industries. The results showed that lower limb muscle strength (increased by 9.57 times to 11.14 in seat standing) and balance (23.43 seconds of walking time decreased to 19.17) seemed to improve. Three participants could walk on their own without using wheelchairs or crutches. The daily living ability (1.56 to 1.91), depression (0.83 to 0.66), and life satisfaction (1.71 to 2 .00) also tended to improve. Meanwhile, the study provides a swimming course design for mild long-term care patients that managers can take as reference in the sport services industry and in the long-term care services industries. The results also provide useful information for managers about key success factors influencing the cross -industry cooperation between sport and long-term care services industries. Suggestions are given for sports institutions to promote health by the sport and leisure consumption.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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