The Survey from Institute for Information Industry (2019) finds the main reason consumers ever stopped to use the mobile payment devices is "the mobile payment devices are not commonly installed in stores." This paper focuses to investigate the stores, and we distributed survey by ourselves. We extract what factors affect store's willingness to adopt mobile payment devices. Our sample areas cover five important business districts in Tainan city as the proxy size of population of Taiwan. Firstly, we interviewed three stores in the Anpin business area, and which provided us some useful information for constructing the empirical model and designing survey questionnaire. Based on the analysis of principal-component factor, and ordered probit model, our empirical results find perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived consumer value addition, and market competitiveness are positively associated with store's willingness to adopt mobile payment devices. However, there is no significant evidences to find perceived risk and cost, the indirect interest of service providers, the character of service providers, the promotion of the government as the facts to affect the store's willingness to adopt mobile payment devices. In our paper, we propose government an d industry of mobile payment devices some suggestions and incentives, which are expected to increase the percentage of store's adopting mobile payment devices.
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