


The Study of the Relationships Between Body Image and Physical Activity Level in Adolescents-A Case Study of Junior High School in Tao-Yuan




張靜惠(Jang Jing Huey);黃娟娟


身體意象 ; 身體質量指數 ; 性別不同 ; 身體活動量 ; Body Image ; Body Mass Index (BMI) ; Gender Difference ; Physical Activity Level




10期(2016 / 07 / 01)


1 - 14




近年來美麗與健康意識抬頭,運動成為趨勢;為了瞭解青少年對自我了解。本研究以桃園市中壢區位在殯葬特區的某一所國中生(13-15歲)為研究對象,其目的在探討青少年身體意象與身體活動量之相關研究。本研究依據相關文獻的探討,方法採用問卷調查法,共發放問卷432份,有效回收401份,有效回收率為92.18%,其研究工具為「身體意象量表」、「身體質量指數檢測」、「身體活動量表問卷」,回收的有效問卷依研究目的使用IBM SPSS Statistics 18統計軟體進行資料處理,經Pearson積差相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析,其統計結果發現:(一)青少年的年級不同對於身體活動量具有顯著的差異,(二)青少年的性別不同對於身體活動量具有顯著的差異,(三)青少年的身體質量指數與身體活動量沒有顯著差異,(三)青少年的身體意象與身體活動量均呈正向相關。本研究給學校相關建議是利用課堂教育建立學生正確的身體意象認知,如:「健康就是美」而非「瘦就即是美」;利用早上或下課時間增加身體活動量,如,晨跑;多設計一些女性課程,如:有氧運動或舞蹈之參考依據。


With the rise of beauty and health, exercising has become the trends in recent years. The study was designed to investigate the relationships between body image and physical activity level in adolescents. According to previous related studies, this study used a questionnaire survey; the questionnaires were distributed to the students(13-15 years old) in one of Tao-Yuan City's Junior High School in special funeral areas. Based on convenience sampling, 435 questionnaires were released, and 401 questionnaires were retrieved with a valid retrieval rate of 92.18%. Body image perception questionnaires, body mass index measurement, physical activity level questionnaires were applied to examine this study with Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation, Independent Sample t Test, and One-Way Analysis of Variance, which is also called one- way ANOVA were used for SPSS 18 statistical software to do data processing. The analytical results indicated that: (1) There were quite different between grader differences and physical activity level in adolescents. (2) There were quite different between gender differences and physical activity level in adolescents. (3) No difference was found between body mass index and physical activity level in adolescents. (4) Body image was positively correlated with physical activity level in adolescents. According to our results, we provided related suggestions and references for schools to teach students have correct body image ideas, such as "Health is beauty" , not "Skinny is beauty"; take morning period or breaking time to do some physical activity, for instance, jogging; design female PE class more, such as aerobic exercise or dancing for reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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