


Action Research on Student in Junior High School Learning Effectiveness by Taking Cooperative Learning Teaching Model in Exercise Course: A Case Study of Junior High School in Kaohsiung




鄭漢吾(Cheng Han Wu);李翊誠(Lee I Cheng)


合作學習教學模式 ; 學習成效 ; 教師專業成長 ; cooperative learning teaching model ; student's learning effectiveness ; teacher's professional development




13期(2020 / 07 / 01)


1 - 21






Aim: To build a theory system on exercise course teaching reference of junior high school, this study takes qualitative research and quantitative research methods to discuss the student's learning effectiveness and teacher's professional development by taking cooperative learning teaching model. Method: To start the research, taking purposive sampling to define the research object and do the 4-weeks research, which is choosing 61 students of junior high school 7th grade in Kaohsiung City and the teacher of action research in teaching. Secondly, semi-structured interview, participant observation and documentary analysis were also the research methods, and so the documents collecting to analyze by comparative research and independent groups, paired-sample t test of teaching plan, test of exercise skill, student's exercise documents, teacher's teaching record and interview outline. Results: The research findings were as followed: (1) Students in power and exercise skill were enhanced significantly, but the agility and speed were not, which showed cooperative learning teaching model was enhanced significantly in part of student's sport-related fitness. (2) The research outcome of physical literacy showed that cooperative learning teaching model had a positive effect on student's learning. (3) Joining the teaching professional community had a positive effect on problem solving in teaching field. (4) Teachers possessed the competence of teaching knowledge and skill, and experience the importance of competence teaching in action research by taking teaching action research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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