


The Prediction of Empowering Motivation Climate on Swimmer's Intrinsic Motivation: Mediation Effects of Basic Psychological Needs




謝銘臻(Ming-Jen Hsieh);季力康(Li-Kang Chi)


自我決定動機 ; 自主支持 ; 工作涉入 ; autonomy support ; task-involving climate




13期(2020 / 07 / 01)


43 - 56




根據Deci與Ryan(1985)提出的自我決定理論(self-determination theory, SDT),認為人們的行為是由三個主要的心理需求(勝任感、自主性、關係感)所構成,而內在動機來自於基本心理需求與滿意度。Duda(2013)提出賦權動機氣候會滿足運動員的基本心理需求。過去研究發現賦權動機氣候和自主動機成正相關,和控制動機成負相關(Fenton & Duda, 2016)。因此,本研究目的為探討基本心理需求在賦權動機氣候對內在動機的中介效果。本研究以52名(男性32人、女性20人)甲組游泳選手為對象,平均年齡為19.9歲(SD=2.71),平均泳齡為11.6年(SD=2.92)。經參與者同意後,填寫賦權動機氣候量表、基本心理需求量表和內在動機量表。所得到資料以描述性統計、Pearson積差相關和拔靴法進行統計分析。研究結果:賦權動機氣候與自主性、勝任感和內在動機成正相關。賦權動機氣候能正向預測內在動機。自主性在賦權動機氣候和內在動機之間有部分中介效果。討論:根據研究結果,本研究建議未來教練應該塑造賦權動機氣候以提升選手之內在動機,而且應多展現自主支持以提升選手的自主性,進而提升選手之內在動機。


Introduction: Intrinsic Motivation is a critical psychological energy, which could influence athlete to give more effort and persistence to their sport. The present study aimed to examine whether the empowering motivation climate predict swimmer's Intrinsic Motivation is mediated by the basic psychological needs. Methods: 52 swimmers (male = 32, female 20, mean age=19.9) were recruited. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires, using SPSS 23.0 to analysis. Results: empowering motivation climate is positive related to autonomy, competence and intrinsic motivation, only autonomy is the mediator between empowering motivation climate to intrinsic motivation, no mediating effect via competence and relatedness. Discussion: Coaches should create high empowering motivation climate to satisfy autonomy, in order to increase swimmer's intrinsic motivation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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