
以Wii Fit分析高爾夫揮桿動作之可行性評估


The Evaluate of Using Wii Fit to Analyze Golf Swing


郭癸賓(Kwei-Bin Kuo);黃世育(Shih-Yu Huang)


高爾夫運動 ; 揮桿 ; 壓力中心 ; golf ; Wii ; Wii Fit ; COG




4期(2011 / 04 / 01)


18 - 26




前言:2006年日本任天堂推出結合運動概念的互動式遊戲機及遊戲軟體-Wii Sports。2007年更進一步推出Wii Fit系統,其特殊處是增加了一塊可偵測壓力的平衡板,板內四個角落各置一顆壓力感測器,此四顆壓力感測器能於遊戲進行時收集使用者的的各項資訊,以進行即時互動與回饋。以往運動力學研究如重心位移方向與軌跡、三向度的作用力或矯正動作時,都必須以昂貴的三軸測力板(Force plate)等設備來進行各項實驗數據的蒐集,至於研究實際提供互動學習的應用實驗就更不易實施。所以本研究特別利用2009年推出的Wii Fit Plus遊戲軟體與平衡板為研究工具,探討以Wii Fit系統分析高爾夫球揮桿動作的可行性並進行評估。方法:是以Wii Fit Plus高爾夫遊戲供32位中、低差點球友及41位大學生初學者練習,擷取平衡板上的資訊,完成揮桿分析圖。結果:發現可藉由Wii Fit系統及平衡板協助高爾夫球球友在初學揮桿時瞭解自己身體重心變化並修正調整重心;對於中、低差點或是選手級的球友也可以提供回饋影像,協助修正揮桿時身體移動路徑與重心軌跡的對應。結論:本研究根據Wii Fit Plus高爾夫遊戲所提供的模擬影像分析與回饋,及平衡板所提供的壓力感測數據等資料,若未來能將平衡板與動作影像進一步結合,以資訊化進行高爾夫球揮桿等動作分析、調整。同時藉由Wii平價、操作簡單又富趣味性等功能,可以降低初學者學習高爾夫球時的挫折感與增加學習意願;若應用於體育教學,則更可以增添樂趣,提升學習成就感與意願,讓學生更喜歡運動。


Purpose: In 2006, Nintendo presented an all new mode and interactive video game console and combined the console with the game software-Wii sports, which is designed with the concepts of sports. In 2007, Nintendo presented the Wii Fit system further. Wii Fit is originally developed from Wii console. In particular, Wii Fit is equipped with a balance plate which can detect pressure. There are four pressure detector equipped at the four corners on the plate for collecting the parameters to proceed interaction and simultaneous feedback between the sports games and the users. In the past, it required the expensive Force Plate in a laboratory or a prepared and proper environment to collect data for analyzing the experimental parameters of kinesiology, for example, the track and displacing direction of center of gravity and three-dimensional actions or motion correction, so it was not easy to apply in actual interactive learning. As the result, this study will use the Wii Fit Plus system and balance plate as research tools to discuss and evaluate the feasibility of analyzing the motion of swing in golf with the Wii Fit system. Methods: We used both swing analysis graphs which are separately from 32 players who completed middle and low handicaps of Wii Fit golf and 41 golf beginners, also freshmen in university who took golf course. Results: We found that the data of pressure detection offered by the balance plate of Wii Fit is not only a media which help the golf players to understand the COG (center of gravity) shifting but also offers the medium, low handicaps and professional players the image feedback to help them adjust the contrast of the body movement with the track of COG when they are swinging. Conclusions: this study analyzed according to the simulated image, a feedback from Wii Fit Plus golf game. Currently, Wii console just offer the data of pressure from the balance plate for users to proceed the feedback analysis. However, it might offer some wrong information easily. In the future, if the console can combine the balance plate and motion image with swing analysis together, offer a par price, and create some friendly and more interesting functions to help reduce the frustration of playing golf for the beginners. In addition, it will not only make the course more fun but help the students enhance their sense of achievement and make them enjoy playing sports if those concepts can be applied on physical education (PE).

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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