Purpose: The purpose of this study was to observe the pressure distribution among three different saddles using the pressure measuring mat. Methods: There were nine male participants recruited in this study (age 24.2 ± 1.09 years; height 175.0 ± 4.99 cm; weight 69.5 ± 4.95 kg). They were asked to pedal on a stationary bicycle at a controlled cadence (60rpm) and workload under three different saddle conditions: standard saddle, partial cutout saddle and short nose saddle. The pressure measuring mat was placed on the saddle while cycling. After 15 minutes riding, the pressure measuring mats were scanned to record the results of pressure distribution immediately. Five pressure levels according to the saddle pressure scale were differentiated. Results: The pressure distribution was more even while riding on the standard saddle. However, higher pressure was observed in the anterior region of standard saddle, which could increase the pressure on perineum and cause discomfort or injury during prolong riding. The short nose saddle showed higher pressure than standard saddle and partial cutout saddle in the posterior saddle region. Conclusion: The different pressure distributions were observed among three kinds of saddles. The customers can choose their own saddle depend on their gender, riding hobby, and saddle pressure distribution. The results of this study were similar to other relative studies. It indicated that the pressure measuring mat can be a quick and easy dynamic pressure measurement tool and it is also a reliable and valid method to measure the saddle pressure.
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