目的:探討八週桌球反應時間訓練對國小桌球選手回擊動作的前動作反應時間、動作反應時間、反應時間、動作時間的影響。方法:以台南市歸仁國小桌球隊優秀選手12名為研究對象,(年齡11.41±0.51歲、身高143.3±3.39公分、體重34.5±2.86公斤),矯正後的視力在正常範圍。隨機分為二組,每組6人,分別接受桌球反應時間訓練(實驗組)及一般桌球訓練(控制組)。本實驗使用LabVIEW圖形化程式語言為介面、整合相關儀器以獲取相關資料,主要實驗儀器為資料擷取卡(National Instruments USB 6211 DAQ, 250KS/s, 5000 Hz)電源供應器,桌球發球機、高亮度LED燈,肌電和加速規感測器等。擷取參數包括:前動作反應時間、動作反應時間、反應時間、動作時間和整體反應時間等相關參數。以獨立樣本t考驗進行不同組別之統計檢定,顯著水準α=.05。結果:不同組別選手經八週桌球反應時間訓練後在反應時間各項參數的考驗上均具有差異。結論:經八週桌球反應時間訓練可提昇國小桌球選手之動作反應時間、動作時間、反應時間之表現水準。
Purpose: To probe the effects of 8 weeks reaction time training on pre-motor reaction time, motor reaction time, reaction time and movement time of elementary students' table tennis movement. Methods: The participants were 12 excellent players of Guei-Ren Elementary school's table tennis team in Tainan City. The average of their age was 11.41±0.51 years, the height was 143.3±3.39 cm and the weight was 34.5±2.86 kg. There were 6 players in control and expetimental group respectively. The Labview programming language was the main plateform to integrate the devices to got the data. The main experimental devices were DAQ Card, (National Instruments USB 6211 DAQ, 250KS/s, 5000 Hz) ower supply, table tennis serving machine and brightest LED lamps, EMG system and accelerometer system (5000 Hz). The parameters contain premotor reaction time, motor reaction time, reaction time and movement time. It were tested control group with experimental group by independent t-test (α =. 05). Results: There were significant difference in the effects of premotor reaction time, motor reaction time, reaction time and movement time of table tennis players' return movement after 8 weeks reaction time training. Conclusions: After 8 weeks reaction time training, the performance level of table tennis players was promoted.