


The Influences of Fatigue Induced Exercise on Lower Extremity Joint and Ground Reaction Force during Landing from a Jump


李育銘(Yu-Ming Lee);李恒儒(Heng-Ju Lee)


單腳著地 ; 傷害風險 ; 動作分析 ; single-leg landing ; injury risk ; motion analysis




8期(2013 / 04 / 01)


1 - 8




目的:本研究目的在探討在躍起著地時,誘發疲勞運動是否對下肢關節和地面反作用力產生影響。方法:本實驗共招募10名健康男性受試者(年齡23.7 ± 0.7歲、身高173.6 ± 3.0公分、體重71.3 ± 7.9公斤),利用十台Vicon紅外線攝影機(200Hz)和一塊Kistler測力板(1000Hz)同步收集全身動作資料和地面反作用力。受試者需進行向前的躍起著地,動作為雙腳起跳,支撐腳單腳著地。誘發疲勞運動包括連續進行蹲踞(squat)、舉踵(heel raise)的動作(身上負重為三分之一的體重),直到受試者自覺無法再進行為止。使用成對樣本t考驗來比較疲勞前後的差異,結果:疲勞後所測得的髖關節的最大屈曲角度、活動動範圍和膝關節的活動範圍在疲勞後皆顯著小於疲勞前的結果(p < .05)。到達最大膝關節屈曲角度的時間在疲勞後會減少(p < .05);疲勞後會產生較大的地面反作用力(p < .05);結論:本研究發現,經誘發性疲勞運動後,個體會採取較為僵硬的著地動作,其目的是為了要快速緊急地維持姿勢的穩定,但也造成著地後的衝擊力無法有效地減少,因此可能會提升傷害的風險。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of fatigue induced exercise on lower extremity joint and ground reaction force during landing from a jump. Methods: Ten healthy males (23.7 ± 0.7 years old; 173.6 ± 3.0 cm; 71.3 ± 7.9 kg) were recruited for this study. A ten-camera motion analysis system (200Hz) and one force plate (1000Hz) were used to collect whole body motion data and ground reaction forces, respectively. All subjects needed to perform a forward jump-landing protocol, including a double-leg jumping and a single-leg landing (supporting leg only). Fatigue induced exercise included repeated squatting and heel raising motions with about one third loading of each subject’s body weight until subjects felt exhausted. Paired-samples t test was used to compare each parameter between pre-fatigue and post-fatigue. Results: The peak hip flexion angle, the hip and knee range of motions were significant less than pre-fatigue (p < .05), the less time to peak knee flexion angle and the greater peak ground reaction force occurred after muscle fatigue (p < .05). Conclusions: To our results, we found that individual’s landing posture would change with a stiff landing movement to maintain postural stability rapidly after fatigue induced exercise. Hence, a stiff landing with greater impact force might result in increasing the injury risk.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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