


The Study of the Quantitative Assessment of Bilateral Instability Balance Control on the Standing Postural Ability of College Students


蘇明耀(Ming-Yao Su);黃漢年(Han-Nien Huang);陳秀華(Show-Hwa Chen);張宏明(Hong-Ming Chang);賈叢林(Tsorng-Lin Chia)


動態站姿 ; 平衡維持時間 ; 協調能力 ; 角速度 ; Dynamic posture ; BKT ; Coordination ; Angular velocity




8期(2013 / 04 / 01)


21 - 29




前言:本研究旨在利用自行設計的不穩定平衡台,產生的不穩定刺激,探討大學男女學生站姿控制能力的差異性與平衡板角速度變化的關係?方法:無平衡相關病史健康學生75名(男 = 35,女 = 35),接受每人10次的平衡檢測。平衡台左右最大角度設定為20度,台前3公尺處架設一台高速攝影機(SONY-HDR-SR8),以記錄平衡維持時間(balance keeping time, BKT)與擷取平衡板角度的變化(deg./s)。所得資料,加以理數程式演算,求得角速度之方根均值(root mean square, RMS),並以獨立樣本t考驗比較男女生組的差異性及皮爾遜積差相關法,探討BKT與角速度間的相關?顯著水準設為α = .05。結果:(1)男生組BKT的成績(2.505 ± 0.129 秒)優於女生組(1.937 ± 0.081 秒),且達顯著的差異(p < .05),及角速度RMS的值(男:35.488 ± 1.587deg./s,女:26.433 ± 0.936 deg./s)也優於女生組(p < .05)。(2)男女學生各組BKT的增加,角速度RMS的值亦隨之增加,且BKT與角速度間都有正的相關關係(男r = 0.516;女r = 0.583)。結論:(1)兩側性不穩定平衡台產生的刺激,能有效造成男女大學生站姿協調能力的差異。(2)不穩定平衡台與高速攝影機的使用,有效的搜集BKT與擷取角速度RMS的值,且建立動態平衡適能常模及可作為高度評估人體動的平衡能力,就所謂的“下肢左右協調能力",提供運動教練與選手在訓練上有另一深層的思維。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was designed to estimate the dynamic balance ability between the male and female students for standing posture stability using the instability platform like-seesaw. Methods: Seventy undergraduate students (35 males, 35 females) participated in this study. Each participant was required to stand barefoot on a custom-built platform and the balance keeping time (BKT) for 10 trials. The maximum degree of platform inclination is 20° from horizontal surface by side to side. The statistical difference between the males and females was determined by Independent sample t-test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis was used to assess the relations between the BKT and the RMS of angular velocity respectively. Results: The experimental results showed that the BKT and the RMS of angular velocity of the male group were higher than the female group; the significant differences of balance performance between males and females were observed as well. In addition, the correlation analysis for the BKT and the RMS of angular velocity in male/female group were positively correlated with in each group. Conclusions: These findings indicate that to use the instability platform could be an appropriate instrument to collect the BKT and the RMS of angular velocity effectively. Moreover, the data gained from the experiments may establish the dynamic balance fitness norm and can be used as an assessment method of the lower extremity coordination ability by side to side.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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