Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare rebound angle, ball velocity, ground reaction force, and ball deformation among different soft tennis official game balls. Understanding rebound characteristic on hard surface helped to adjust strategy during match. Method: Three major official game balls in international tournament (D-brand, K-brand, and M-brand) were used in this study and were served top spin and back spin by serving machine. The high-speed camera was used to detect rebound angle, ball velocity, impact time, impact force, and ball deformation when soft tennis contacted an AMTI force plat which covered a game surface. Result: D-brand ball has the highest rebound angle about 46.2° at top-spin condition. M-brand ball has higher rebound angle about 38.2° at back-spin condition compared to D-brand ball. In top-spin condition, K-brand ball has the highest ball rebound velocity about 27.8 km/h, but M-brand ball was about 28.5 km/h in back-spin condition. Impact time has significantly difference among three balls (p < .05). D-brand ball has higher rebound angle about 46.2° at top-spin condition compared to others. M-brand ball has the highest impact force about 109.7 N at top-spin condition, but M-brand ball was about 90.6 N in back-spin condition. Conclusion: There was different rebound characteristic among soft tennis official game balls. Player and coach should be recognizing it in order to reflecting a proper playing strategy.