


Effect of Compression Sleeve on Proprioception of Upper Limb Joints




楊雯雯(Wen-Wen Yang);潘俐伶(Li-Ling Pan);陳振昇(Chen-Sheng Chen);蔚順華(Shun-Hwa Wei);劉強(Chiang Liu);周立偉(Li-Wei Chou)


壓力服飾 ; 護具 ; 輔具 ; 運動 ; Compression garment ; Brace ; Assisted device ; Sports




13卷2期(2016 / 12 / 01)


71 - 78




目的:探討穿戴市售壓力袖套對於肘關節與腕關節位置覺,以及腕伸肌群力量覺之影響。方法:本研究徵招8位一般健康受試者。所有受試者隨機執行有、無穿戴市售壓力袖套進行肘關節屈曲(目標角度45、60 與75 度)和腕關節伸直(15 與30 度)之角度再現性測試,以及伸腕肌群最大自主等長收縮的30、50、70 % 目標力量之再現性測試。計算各目標角度與力量之絕對誤差並以無母數相依樣本Wilcoxon signed rank test 進行有無穿戴之統計比較。結果:穿戴市售壓力袖套顯著降低肘關節各角度與伸腕肌各目標力量之絕對誤差 (p < .05),然而,穿戴壓力袖套對於腕關節各目標角度之絕對誤差沒有任何顯著影響 (p > .05)。結論:穿戴市售壓力袖套可改善一般健康人肘關節位置覺與伸腕肌力量覺,但對於腕關節位置覺並沒有影響。


Purpose: To investigate the effect of wearing commercial compression sleeve on joint position sense (JPS) of elbow and wrist and force sense (FS) of wrist extensor. Methods: Eight healthy subjects were recruited in this study and randomly worn with or without compression sleeve to perform (1) reproduction of joint position at target angles of elbow flexion (45, 60 and 60 degrees) and of wrist extension (15 and 30 degrees) and (2) the reproduction of wrist extensors at target forces of 30, 50, 70 % maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Absolute errors of JPS and FS were calculated and a nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test was conducted for the comparison between with and without compression sleeve in all the parameters. Results: The results showed that wearing compression sleeve significantly reduced joint position errors of elbow in all target angles and also significantly decreased force sense errors of wrist extensors in all target force levels (p < .05). However, there was no change in joint position error of wrist (p > .05) when wearing compression sleeve. Conclusions: Wearing commercial compression sleeve improved JPS of elbow and FS of wrist extensors in healthy persons, but did not affect JPS of wrist.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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