Purpose: Purpose of this study was compared different mechanical properties of six kinds of elastic tapes made by different materials that athletes often used. Methods: This study examined maximal pull, deformation made by maximal pull, and stiffness in six kinds of elastic tapes by using UniSmat Handle (ZMI Electronics, Ltd, Taiwan) and tape measure. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the mechanical properties of six kinds of elastic tapes made by different materials. Al1 statistica1 analyses were performed using SPSS 17.0 computer program. The significant leve1 for all analyses was set all p < .05.When a significant difference was demonstrated, post hoc comparisons were performed. Results: Significant differences (p < .05) in maximal pull and stiffness were found. Elastic tape could bear more pull than kinesio-tape and light elastic tape. In parameter of stiffness, it was significant difference that Jaylastic® Plus II Tape has the best stiffness in six kinds of elastic tapes. Conclusion and suggestion: This study was found Jaybird® LST Tape had the best flexibility in six kinds of elastic tapes, and Jaylastic® Plus II Tape had the best stiffness and stability. If divided six tapes into sport tape and kinesio-tape, Bio Balance Elastic Tape has the latest deformation and the most stiffness.
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