緒論:本研究是以猴類手部構造融合體操單槓及雙槓手套為設計概念,開發一雙在重量訓練時可增加訓練強度及延緩疲勞的健身手套。研究目的主要以運動生物力學的觀點,比較有無穿戴仿生健身手套對手腕最大扭力及單槓懸吊時肌肉疲勞度之影響。方法:實驗參與者為10名男性大專體育系學生(年齡19.43 ± 1.41歲;身高172.57 ± 4.24公分;體重67.00 ± 10.61公斤),以伺服馬達控制機構及肌電測量徒手及穿戴仿生健身手套時的手腕扭力和前臂肌群肌電訊號(Electromyography, EMG)並比較其差異,所蒐集的資料以成對樣本t檢定來進統計分析,顯著水準α= .05。結果:一、穿戴仿生健身手套後的手腕扭力大於徒手的扭力(p < .05);而徒手與穿戴仿生健身手套後的橈側伸腕長肌(extensor carpi radialis longus, ECRL)與橈側屈腕肌(flexor carpi radialis, FCR)肌電活化沒有顯著的不同。二、肌肉疲勞度檢測,穿戴仿生健身手套在單槓懸吊橈側伸腕長肌、橈側屈腕肌肌電活化較小,有助於減緩肌肉疲勞(p < .05)。結論:本研究所開發的仿生健身手套上的結構設計,在手腕扭力上相較於徒手有明顯提升,肌電表現方面沒有因扭力增加而更加活化,且單槓懸吊的肌力較能抗疲勞,顯示在仿身健身手套功能性方面達到預期的效益。
Introduction: Idea in this study was originated from the monkeys' paws which integrated gymnastic horizontal bar and the parallel bars, and to develop a pair of gloves for fitness which can enhance the training intensity and reduce fatigue during weight training. The purposes of this study was to investigate the effects of an innovative protruding point on bionic fitness gloves [BFG], by mimicking chimpanzee's hand, on upper extremity muscle performance. Method: Ten physical education major collegiate students were enrolled in this study (age: 19.43 ± 1.41 yrs; height: 172.57 ± 4.24 cm; weight: 67.00 ± 10.61 kg). Participants performed a wrist extension task on a servo-motor device in two conditions (with the BFG and bare-hand). Wrist extensor torque and muscle activation of extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) during the tasks were recorded using electromyography (EMG). Paired t-tests with significant levels set at .05 were used to compare the wrist extensor torques and EMG activations within individuals between two conditions. Result: The present study found that the wrist extensor torque significant increase when wearing the bio-glove compared to bare-hand (p < .05). However, there was no difference in muscle activation between ECR and FCR. The test for EMG activation showed lower activation at extensor digitorum muscle and flexor carpi radialis muscle (p <.05) when hanging on the horizontal bar with BFG. Conclusion: Wearing bio-glove for fitness with protruding points could significantly increase the twisting force effectively and reduce the muscle fatigue while hamging on the horizontal bar. However, EMG was not activated due to the increases of twisting forces.
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