


Effects of Exemplars and Hands-on Experiences on Technological Creativity of Junior High School Students


張玉山(Yu-Shan Chang);李大偉(Ta-Wei Lee);游光昭(Kuang-Chao Yu);林雅玲(Ya-Ling Lin)


生活科技課程 ; 科技創造力 ; 實作經驗 ; 範例 ; living-technology curriculum ; technological creativity ; hands-on experience ; exemplar




54卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






The purpose of this study was to discuss effects of exemplars and hands-on experiences on technological creativity of junior high school students. A quasi-experimental and two-factor research design was adapted to teaching experiment in Living-Technology curriculum. There were 231 junior high school students in Taipei county participating in this study. A product creativity scale, which included items of holistic view, subject matter, color design, styling design, material diversity, function design, and structure combination, was used to collecte data. Results of this study indicated that significant creativity effects on styling design and function design caused by factors of hands-on experiences. Moreover, high creative and medium creative exemplars showed positive effects on holistic view, subject matter, color design, styling design, and function design. Nevertheless, there were interactive effects between hands-on experiences and creative exemplars on material diversity and structure combination.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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