


The Relationship between Autonomous Motivation of Course-Taking and Learning Engagement on College Students


李宜玫(Yi-Mei Lee);孫頌賢(Sung-Hsien Sun)


交叉延宕分析 ; 自主性動機 ; 自我決定理論 ; 學習投入 ; cross-lagged panel analysis ; autonomous motivation ; self-determination theory ; learning engagement




55卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


155 - 182






The purposes of this study were to explore the effects of courses-taking motivation to learning engagement on college students. And it was emphasized that there were positive and reciprocal relationships between autonomous motivation and learning engagement. Using the items of questionnaire data from ”Integrated Higher Education Database System in Taiwan”, the study attempted to examine the goodness of fit about college students' learning engagement model (n=24,581, 94 year) and reciprocal effects with cross-lagged analysis (n=18,378, cross-sectional data from 92 to 94 year). Results of the study indicate that: (a) The empirical verification of goodness of fit of college students' learning engagement model are fine. (b) Structural analysis reveals positive relationships between autonomous motivation (interesting, practicability and plan) and learning engagement. (c) Structural analysis reveals negative relationships between extrinsic informational motivation (passing, appreciation of teacher and course time scale) and learning engagement. (d) Cross-sectional data indicate that there are positively reciprocal effects between autonomous motivation and learning engagement time, but learning engagement time has single negative effect to extrinsic informational motivation. In sum, autonomous motivation and learning engagement have emerged virtuous circle during longtime learning process. In opposition to the less learning engagement has effected on more cognition evaluation of extrinsic informational motivation, and the less ideal and prepared autonomous learning. Based on those results, implication for learning guidance about autonomous learning and career planning on college students are considered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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