


Reflections on Ethical Thinking in Life Education Integrated into the Curriculum of Information Ethics at a Technological University


劉建人(Chien-Jen Liu);張淑美(Shu-Mei Chang)


生命教育 ; 行動研究 ; 資訊倫理 ; 數位學習 ; life education ; action research ; information ethics ; e-learning




55卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


215 - 246






The purpose of this action research was to integrate a life-education curriculum into the course, Information Ethics, at a technological university. The subjects of the study were forty-six students who enrolled the distance learning course, Information Ethics, at the Department of Information Management. The paradigm of blended e-learning was implemented. Multiple indicators of data were collected to evaluate the effectiveness. Results and reflections are as the followings:1. Reading, writing, and sharing by small group-based cooperation learning can improve learning motivation and enhance independent thinking, as well as self-reflection ability of the subjects.2. By discussing dilemma-conflicts in workplace can advance the ability of analysis and judgments on information ethics of the subjects.3. Instructors should consider the ethical thinking and actions under the current social contexts while teaching respect for intellectual property and the nonmaleficence principles.4. By connecting with the life experiences of teachers and students, interacting sincerely with the students from various backgrounds can enlarge their vision to concern the contemporary social contexts, and improve professional growth and life experiences of the subjects.We propose some implications for teaching Information Ethics and suggestions for further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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