


The Use of Fear Appeals in the Development and Evaluation of an Anti-Crimeware Courseware for Taiwanese Sixth Graders


鄧達鈞(Ta-Chun Teng);周倩(Chien Chou)


犯罪軟體 ; 系統化教學設計 ; 防治教材 ; 恐懼訴求 ; 國小六年級學生 ; crimeware ; systematic instructional design ; prevention courseware ; fear-appeals ; Taiwanese sixth grader




57卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


91 - 120






This study describes the development of an anti-crimeware courseware for schoolchildren in Taiwan and examines its pedagogical effectiveness. The instructional design adopted the ADDIE model and integrated the fear appeals approach. A 2-by-2 factorial experimental design was used to test the four possible combinations of two levels (high and low) and two factors (perceived-susceptibility and severity) of fear appeals. The participants in this study included 130 sixth graders. Using immediate and delayed individual tests, this study examined their anti-crimeware attitudes, cognitive concepts, and problem solving skills. The results indicated that the High- Susceptibility/High-Severity (H-Su/H-Se) group outperformed the other three groups. Further explanations and interpretations of the results are provided, and suggestions for future research are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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