


Educational Implications of Paulo Freire's Theory of Dialogic Action Based on a Subjective Perspective and Five Criteria




蘇鈺楠(Yu-Nan Su)


批判教育學 ; 教育倫理 ; 對話理論 ; critical pedagogy ; ethics of education ; theory of dialogic action




59卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


89 - 109




面對著包括意識形態在內的宰制結構,批判教育學秉持著動態文化觀,相信主體間互動所產生的能量可以帶動結構的更新與主體的解放,而此種互動的開始便是P. Freire所提出的對話行動理論。本研究旨從主體觀點來探究Freire對話行動理論,發掘在交互肯認的基礎上其對話理論深受G. W. F. Hegel和K. Marx之影響,且其先前假定係以倫理關懷做出發,在內容上包括了愛、謙遜、信心、希望及批判等五個部分,最後則據此提出在教育上之涵義。


Under a hegemonic structure, critical pedagogy creates the dynamic cultures concept. The interaction of mutual relationships is believed to produce energy, and thereby promote structural evolution and subject emancipation. This initiated relationship and interaction is represents the concept of dialogic action proposed in Freire's theory. This study focused on Freire's theory of dialogic action to identify an interrecognized foundation of dialogic theory, which was influenced by Hegel and Marx, and his previous assumption was based on moral concerns. This study addressed five topics: (1) love, (2) humility, (3) confidence, (4) expectations, and (5) criticism. Finally, the methods of applying this theory in education were analyzed by conducting follow-up research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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