


Teaching Comprehension Strategy Combined with Newspaper Reading to Grade-4 Students




洪月女(Yueh-Nu Hung);楊雅斯(Ya-Szu Yang)


閱讀理解能力 ; 閱讀理解策略 ; 讀報教育 ; reading comprehension ; reading comprehension strategy ; newspaper reading




59卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26






This study investigated the effectiveness of reading comprehension strategy instruction combined with newspaper reading. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted and students were recruited from three integrated grade-4 classes in a public elementary school in Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan. Group 1 received comprehension strategy instruction combined with newspaper reading. Group 2 read newspapers and learned Chinese idioms. The control group received only Chinese language arts instruction. The experimental instruction lasted for 10 weeks with two 40-min classes per week. Statistical analyses were conducted to examine the participants' changes in reading comprehension and the reaction of Group 1 to the instructional innovation. According to the results, (1) the reading comprehension of the students in Group 1 improved; (2) the expository text reading comprehension of the students in Group 1 was significantly higher than that of the students in Group 2 and the control group; and (3) the students in Group 1 responded to the experimental instruction positively. On the basis of these results, this study discussed classroom implications and suggested future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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