This study is focused on how women scientist and technologists shape their gender subjectivity in the social context of gendered technology. Individual interviews were conducted with 12 women scientists and technologists from 3 national universities in Taiwan. Situating them back to their life experiences of individuality, family, schooling and society, this paper explores their gender role construction and how they articulated the formation of gendered technology. In conclusion, women scientists and technologists simultaneously co-constructed and deconstructed gendered technology and this construction subtly corresponded to changing schooling and societal expectation. The discourse of success by women scientists and technologists was exemplified by gender boundary crossings and self empowerment instigated by personal interest, masculinity, family support, women role models in single-sex schools, and social support from universities. This research corresponded to Wells' (1980) theory that masculine women have developed favorably in modern society. However, gender mobility of elite women has been enabled by patriarchal men, allowing women to survive in social structures with a strict gender boundary.
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