Family or economic factors may hinder low socioeconomic status (SES) students from pursuing higher education, which may limit their social mobility. This study investigated the admission policy and practices of and campus aid for low-SES students in Taiwan and other developed countries and accordingly provided suggestions for Taiwan education policies. The research method was a literature review focusing on university campus aid for low-SES students in Taiwan, on these students’ considerations and difficulties in pursuing higher education, and on strategies to improve their admission and retention rates. The analysis indicated that although the Taiwan Ministry of Education enacted numerous assistance strategies for the admission and retention of low-SES students, gaps still exist between these measures and the actual problems and considerations of students. For instance, low-SES students may choose schools that academically undermatch their performance, have little understanding of the admission process, or lack assistance in preparing admission applications. Thus, some policies may require revision to address the needs of such students. According to the strategies of developed country governments and top universities and evidences from empirical studies, this paper proposes numerous suggestions for improving low-SES students’ university admission and retention rates, including promoting widening participation programs, simplifying the admission application process, and constructing a single platform website integrating all information on application and assistance relevant to low-SES students. With these suggestions, the authors hope to reinforce the concept of campus diversity and assist low-SES students improve their current situation.
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