


Effects of Empowerment Programs in Remote Junior High Schools on Scientific Epistemological Beliefs, Self-Regulation Strategies, and Academic Achievement in Science




陳慧娟(Huey-Jiuan Chen)


自我調整學習 ; 知識信念 ; 科學學習 ; 偏遠地區 ; 增能 ; self-regulated learning ; epistemological belief ; science academic achievement ; remote area ; empowerment




60卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


21 - 53




本研究探討偏遠地區國中學生知識信念教學實驗方案之成效。自變項「組別」,分為「知識信念師生增能組」(簡稱EBts)、「知識信念學生增能組」(簡稱EBs)與「傳統教學組」(簡稱T);依變項為知識信念、自我調整策略與科學學習成就。研究對象為三所偏遠地區學校164 位八年級學生,採獨立樣本單因子準實驗設計,蒐集的資料利用變異數與共變數分析進行考驗,有五項具體發現:一、教學處理後,EBts 與EBs 無論在知識信念各分量表以及全量表分數,均優於T;然而EBts 只在能力天生、快速習得與全量表分數優於EBs,在科學知識簡單性與知識確定性則未因科學教師是否參與增能訓練而有差異。二、經過教學介入,只有EBts在科學學習自我調整策略分數顯著高於EBs。三、不同教學實驗處理對高、中、低三組知識信念學生的自我調整策略無任何影響。四、兩組教學實驗課程皆比傳統教學課程有利於促進學生的科學學習認知表現;但EBts與EBs的學習表現無顯著差異。五、高知識信念學生經過EBts的教學介入,科學學習成就明顯優於T 學生;而低知識信念的學生,無論在EBts 或EBs,其科學學習認知表現都顯著高於T;但對中等程度知識信念的學生,則無任何顯著影響。最後根據本研究發現提出解釋與建議,期盼能作為偏遠地區教師培力、弱勢學生學習輔導,以及教育革新之參考。


With the continually growing recognition of the notion of human rights and democratic ideals, addressing the education gap between social classes has become a priority for governments worldwide. This research focused on the effects in remote schools of epistemological belief programs conducted with both teachers and students as well as with only students, and examined how junior high school teachers and students’ scientific epistemological beliefs, self-regulation strategies, and academic achievements in science changed following the experimental programs. Research samples were collected from 164 eighth-grade students at three remote schools in New Taipei City and Taoyuan City, Taiwan. This research adopted a quasiexperimental design. Two experimental groups were formed, and the students in both participated in a 14-week empowerment programs. All participants completed the Epistemological Beliefs Scale, Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire, and Science Academic Achievement Test. The obtained data were analyzed using ANOVA and ANCOVA. The main findings of this research are as follows. (1) Both the epistemological beliefs intervention for science teachers and students (EBts) and the epistemological beliefs intervention for only students (EBs) yielded higher innate ability, fast acquisition, knowledge simplicity, knowledge certainty, and overall scores than did the traditional teaching materials (T). The EBts intervention yielded superior innate ability, fast acquisition, and overall scores than the EBs intervention did, but the same results were not observed for simplicity and certainty of science knowledge. (2) Similarly, the EBts intervention yielded higher self-regulation strategies in learning science than the EBs intervention did. However, no significant difference was observed among the other groups. (3) No significant difference in terms of self-regulation strategies was present among participants with different levels of science epistemological beliefs. (4) Both the EBts and EBs groups exhibited higher science learning cognitive performance than the T group did. However, no significant difference existed between the EBts and EBs groups. (5) Among the students with high scientific epistemological beliefs, those in the EBts group had significantly higher cognitive performance than those in the T group did; among the students with low scientific epistemological belief students, both the EBts and EBs intervention had a significantly more positive effect on cognitive performance than the T nonintervention did. However, the cognitive performance of students with medium scientific epistemological beliefs did not differ among any of the groups. The implications of and suggestions based on the research findings are expected to contribute to remedial instruction and learning guidance for disadvantaged students in remote areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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