


Undergraduates’ Self-Evaluation and Structural Equation Model Analysis of Global Citizenship Competences




陳淑敏(Amy Shu-Min Chen)


大學生 ; 公民素養 ; 全球化 ; 結構方程模式 ; undergraduate ; citizenship ; globalization ; structural equation model




61卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


213 - 245






Colleges and universities are vital organizations for cultivating the participation of future generations of youths in addressing the dramatic transformations of global society. Regarding this movement, this study employed a literature and theoretical analysis as well as in-depth interviews and focus group meetings to construct a research questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to undergraduates. The survey data were analyzed through various statistical methods including: analysis of variance, t test, and post hoc and structural equation modeling to explore the undergraduates’ global participation achievements and performance. The research findings are as follows: (1) College students’ achievements in global citizenship competences demonstrated varying levels of performance in each studied dimension; some low scores were observed, particularly regarding global or cross-national problems. (2) The performance of some of the undergraduates in the cognition, virtue, and action dimensions of global citizenship competences were influenced by their background variables. (3) The model of the relationships among the undergraduates’ performance in the cognitive, virtue, and action dimensions of global citizenship competences revealed the significant effects in the structural equation model. This paper offers suggestions for improving undergraduates’ competencies in global citizenship attainments and for directions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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