


Investigating the Perceived Learning Outcomes of Elementary Students in a Mobile Learning Program in Taiwan




陳奕樺(I-Hua Chen);楊雅婷(Ya-Ting Yang)


自評學習效益 ; 行動學習計畫 ; 教學信念 ; 階層線性模式 ; 學習動機 ; hierarchical linear modeling ; learning mobile learning program ; perceived learning outcomes ; teacher beliefs




61卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


99 - 129




教育部推動的行動學習計畫由2009 年試辦的五所國民小學,至2014 年已推廣至全臺95所。有鑑於教育部行動學習計畫的規模日益擴大,為了能給予未來參與的學校有更多遵循的參考依據,本研究針對參與計畫的國小師生進行調查,以求能掌握影響學生計畫中學習效益的可能因素。研究者以階層線性模式進行分析,依序檢驗學生個人層級與班級層級變項群對他們自評學習效益的直接影響,以及班級層級變項群的脈絡調節效果。本研究以叢集隨機抽樣挑選57所小學,共得44 份教師問卷與1,877 份學生問卷。研究結果顯示:一、任務價值、自我效能與自覺家庭支持程度愈高,學生自評學習效益愈高。二、班級規模愈小,學生自評學習效益愈高。三、當教師認為行動學習能增強學生資訊科技能力的教學信念愈高時,低任務價值學生的學習效益比高任務價值學生的學習效益較好。當教師認為行動學習能增強學生學習效率及資訊科技能力的教學信念愈高時,高自我效能的學生會有更高的學習效益。


In recent years, Taiwan's mobile learning program, developed by the Ministry of Education, has expanded substantially from five pilot schools in 2009 to 95 schools in 2014. This study investigates the role of underlying factors affecting elementary student learning outcomes and provides practical implications for schools joining the mobile learning program in the future. Hierarchical linear modeling was conducted for multilevel analysis of big data collected from schools participating in the mobile learning program. Two main direct effects and interaction effects from the student and class level were analyzed in terms of the dependent variable, students' perceived learning outcomes. This study used cluster sampling to randomly select 57 schools participating in the mobile learning program, with data collected from 44 teachers and 1,877 students. The results show that (1) Higher students' task-value, self-efficacy and perceived family support were associated with higher perceived learning outcomes; (2) Lower class size was associated with higher perceived learning outcomes; and (3) Lower teacher beliefs regarding students' ability to use information and communications technology (ICT) enhanced higher strength of positive relation between task-value and perceived learning outcomes, while higher teacher beliefs related to students' learning efficacy and ability to use ICT enhanced higher strength of positive relation between self-efficacy and perceived learning outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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