


Effects of Teaching Reading Strategies on Senior High School Student’s Mathematics Performance




蘇慧珍(Hui-Chen Su);楊凱琳(Kai-Lin Yang);陳佳陽(Chia-Yang Chen)


交互教學法 ; 數學教學 ; 閱讀策略 ; mathematics teaching ; reading strategies ; reciprocal teaching




62卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


33 - 58






The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of teaching reading strategies involving textbooks for senior high school students. Two classes of 11th-grade students participated in this study; one was the experimental class and the other was the control class. The experiment was designed to teach cognitive reading strategies through reciprocal teaching using a mathematics textbook to improve mathematics performance. The quantitative instruments included a mathematics achievement test, reading comprehension test, and self-assessment of reading strategy usage. These instruments were used at four different times: (1) the pretest before the experiment; (2) the first posttest after the experiment; (3) the second posttest 1 week after the experiment; and (4) the delayed measurement 2 months after the experiment. The data obtained were analyzed through the generalized estimating equation method. The results revealed that the teaching experiment effectively promoted students' use of all types of strategies when reading the mathematics textbook. However, the math achievement and reading comprehension tests only demonstrated improvement at the first posttest. After the teaching experiment, these effects gradually disappeared. Regarding the use of reading strategies, the teaching experiment effectively promoted students' use of questioning and clarifying. This effect also gradually disappeared after the teaching experiment. Several explanations of the unexpected results are provided in this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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