


Critical Factors of Becoming Secondary School Teachers: Mining the Process of Teacher Education by Decision Trees




黃嘉莉(Jia-Li Huang);葉怡芬(Yi-Fen Yeh);許瑛玿(Ying-Shao Hsu);曾元顯(Yuen-Hsien Tseng)


決策樹 ; 教師證書 ; 教職 ; 學科教學知識 ; decision tree ; pedagogical content knowledge ; teacher certificate ; teacher job




62卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


89 - 123




本研究旨在透過大量的教育數據,運用資料探勘技術中的決策樹演算法,分析師資生於現行的師資培育歷程中,取得中學教師資格與取得正式教職的關鍵因素,以作為改進師資培育的參考。本研究以一所傳統師範體系的綜合大學2003~2010 年入學的師資生為對象,運用開源碼軟體Weka分類演算法中的決策樹,針對每位師資生經歷5 年培育歷程中修課與培訓的數據,進行資料探勘,用以瞭解取得教師證書與正式教職的關鍵因素。本研究主要結果為:一、三個主要學院(文、理、教育學院)的師資生取得教職所需年限有別(特別是理學院差異較大);二、取得教師證書的關鍵因素是教育專業知識,而取得正式教職的關鍵因素則為專門知識與學科教學知識。此外,師資生拓展多元經驗亦有機會取得教職,且目前結果顯示教育實習成績並非是取得教師證書與教師工作的關鍵因素。本研究再以各類文獻驗證上述部分結果,提供師資培育較佳作法的參考建議。


This study aimed to identify the critical factors leading teacher students to successfully receive teacher certificates and become secondary school teachers by mining vast educational data using decision trees in order to provide actionable suggestions to improve teacher education. The five-year learning evidence of the teacher students enrolled during 2003-2010 school years from a normal university in Taiwan was collected and then analyzed with the open source data mining software Weka by use of its decision tree algorithms. The major findings include: (1) Years spent to receive a teacher job were different among the three major colleges, namely colleges of Education, Liberal Arts, and Science; (2) Education knowledge is the critical predictor to receive a teacher certificate, while pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge play the most critical roles to obtain a teacher job. In addition, more practical experiences were also useful to obtain a teacher job, and the score of education practicum was an ineffective predictor, as the current result shows. This study verifies part of the findings with previous work to provide solid suggestions for better teacher education practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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