


Construction of the Work Values Scale for Teachers




趙子揚(Tzu-Yang Chao);宋曜廷(Yao-Ting Sung);許明輝(Ming-Hui Hsu)


工作價值觀 ; 師資生 ; 教師工作價值觀 ; 教師工作價值觀量表 ; student teachers ; teachers' work values ; work values ; work values scale for teachers




63卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


163 - 196






This study developed a work values scale for teachers (WVST) to enable teacher education institutions to inspect the work values of student teachers. In Study 1, we employed focus groups and examined the literature. Through conducting a content analysis of four focus groups comprising 30 experienced teachers and comparing the analysis results with the literature, we assembled 18 dimensions to form the basis of the WVST. In Study 2, we conducted scale evaluation, which was divided into a pilot-test stage and a formal-test stage. In the pilot-test stage, we recruited 200 university students as participants. After conducting an item analysis and an exploratory factor analysis, we retained 76 items and ten dimensions, namely professional self-realization, professional self-growth, reflection and challenges, guiding students, social contribution, equality and justice, interpersonal interaction and management, artistic and physical activities, working conditions and benefits, and social status. In the formal-test stage, we recruited 800 university students to complete the WVST in order to determine scale reliability and validity. The results for split-half reliability and internal consistency reliability revealed that the WVST achieved favorable reliability. The results from confirmatory factor analysis also indicated the construct validity of the WVST. On the basis of these results, we provided suggestions for future practical applications of the WVST in measuring the work values of teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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