


Effects of Soundbeams on Development of Communication and Physical Movements in Young Children With Special Needs




李玲玉(Liza Lee);何函儒(Han-Ju Ho)


音樂育療 ; 特殊幼兒 ; 動作 ; 溝通 ; 聲音光束 ; communication ; music educational therapy (MET) ; physical movements ; soundbeam ; young children with special needs




63卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


69 - 104






This study primarily examined the influence of soundbeams on communication and physical movement development in young children with special needs. In total, 32 children aged 40-63 months and current holders of disability certificates participated. In the research design, soundbeam instruments were included in the music educational therapy (MET). The study duration was 16 weeks, with one 40-minute MET session per week. The results are as follows: (1) MET had positive results in the children. Their communication and movements had considerably improved after 2 months. (2) MET accelerated the development of communication and physical movements in the children; furthermore, information regarding the needs of young children manipulating the soundbeams in the trigger mode was obtained.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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