
Exploring Effective Leadership Practices of Private School Principals to Improve Teachers' Academic Excellence and Students' Learning Achievement






Simin Ghavifekr;Mohammad Ismath Ramzy


educational leadership ; learning achievement ; principal practices ; private education ; teacher academic excellence ; 教育領導力 ; 學業成就 ; 校長領導作為 ; 私立教育 ; 教師學術專業




65卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


123 - 156




This paper explored the factors influencing principals' practices in private schools. Additionally, this study identified the effective leadership practices of school principals that contribute toward teachers' academic excellence and students' learning achievement. This study adopted a qualitative research design, wherein data were collected through interviews and observations using purposeful sampling. A total of 15 interviewees comprising principals, vice principals, and head teachers from five private secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were interviewed. Transcriptions of the interviews and field notes were made available immediately after each interview and observation, and NVivo software was used to manage the data more systemically. The data analysis identified the following four main effective practices of principals to enhance school outcomes: planning for shared vision, mission and goals; organising professional development programs; promoting the culture of innovation, collaboration and teamwork; and supervising a dynamic and proactive teaching and learning environment. Among these practices, principals should emphasize leadership functions, particularly teacher's professional development and instructional supervision. The mentioned main themes are further discussed in this paper.



主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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