


Development of Inventory for the Role Expectations of High-School Students




郭丁熒(Ding-Ying Guo)


角色期望 ; 高中學生 ; 學生角色 ; role expectation ; high-school student ; student role




66卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


141 - 171






This study development inventory and dimensions for the role expectations of high-school students. The inventory was constructed according to a literature review, expert reviews, an exploratory factor analysis of 582 participants, and a confirmatory factor analysis of 1,509 participants. The participants consisted of high-school students, high-school teachers, and citizens. The results of this study are summarized by the following: (1) The developed inventory is valid and reliable, and the model-data fit was acceptable according to both exploratory and confirmatory analyses. (2) According to multigroup analysis, measurement invariance of the inventory exists across the three groups of high-school students, high-school teachers, and citizens. (3) The inventory includes six dimensions-namely society participation, self-construction, literacy cultivation, exploring learning, moral development, and occupation training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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