


Dynamic Effect of Success Expectation and Interest Value on Mathematic Achievement: Dynamic Structural Equation Model Analysis




曾明基(Ming-Chi Tseng)


期望價值理論 ; 動態結構方程模型 ; 數學成就 ; expectancy-value theory ; dynamic structural equation model ; mathematic achievement




66卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


145 - 173






This research is based on expectancy-value theory. Through an analysis using dynamic structural equation model, we clarified the dynamic effect of success expectation and interest value on mathematic achievement. We employed empirical sampling to collect intensive longitudinal data from 46 elementary school students. A standardized mathematic achievement test was administered after the course. The analysis revealed an autocorrelation and a cross-lagged effect between success expectation and interest value at the within-person level. At the between-person level, success expectation positively affected mathematic achievement, whereas interest value negatively affected mathematic achievement. However, the random slope related to the cross-lag effect of success expectation positively affected mathematic achievement. On the basis of the study results, suggestions were provided for practical application and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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