Brazil is a developing country in the midst of major social, economic, technological, cultural, and educational change. In the areas of technology and education, the transfer of information and knowledge, with the support of hypermedia applications, Internet, and distance learning have been a major concern of public and private entities, especially in regards to agriculture and animal production. In a country with approximately 195 million inhabitants and 8.5 million square kilometers, where the rural sectoraccounts for 25% of gross domestic product, 30.3% of exports, and 37% of jobs, the use of information and communication technologies in education and inclusion is fundamental to promoting developmental strategies and citizenship. In this study, we sought to describe the process of modeling, development and dissemination of hypermedia applications for the Brazilian rural sector, taking as a case unit, the ”Digital Citizen” Internet portal. A qualitative research, with exploratory-descriptive goals, and a case study based on documentary and observation is presented. In the current research and beyond, the practices related to modeling, development, and dissemination of hypermedia applications via distance learning (Moodle® and Flash®), as well as investigations and discussions involving government processes and practices related to digital inclusion and social development of rural citizen Brazil are specified. We conclude that Brazil is tackling the challenge of digital and social inclusion, based on a project whose main components included (a) deploying an infrastructure for telephone and broadband across the rural areas, (b) offering free internet in public schools and rural communities, (c) promoting projects and companies that work with hypermedia applications, and (d) supporting initiatives that involve the development and provision of services at a distance. The rural citizen has been able to maintain his residence in their midst with quality of life.
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