
The Effect of Perceived Value and Marketing 4.0 on Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in an E-commerce Context




Tanto Winarko;Elyakim Randi Parapak;Saras Ayu Virananda;Ratna Yulianti;Istijanto


Perceived Value ; Perceived Quality ; Perceived Risk ; Marketing 4.0 ; Satisfaction ; Purchase Intention ; E-commerce


International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies


13卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


69 - 96




To observe the effect of perceived value and Marketing 4.0 factors on purchase intention and satisfaction of customers in the context of e-commerce, this study used a quantitative method to analyze 315 collected data e-commerce platform users in Indonesia by applying the multiple-regression analysis method. A combination of SPSS Statistics v.20 and Microsoft Excel was used during the data analysis. In addition to the perceived value components that might influence the satisfaction of customers and purchase intention in an e-commerce context, all four components of the Marketing 4.0 model were combined as components that might also affect the satisfaction of customers and purchase intention. As a result, this study shows that two components (utilitarian value and hedonic value) as part of perceived benefits and three components (brand image, brand identity, and brand integrity) as part of the Marketing 4.0 model have a significant and positive influence on both satisfaction of customers and purchase intention. On the other hand, social value and perceived risk do not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, brand interaction and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on purchase intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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