


An Alternative Approach to the Quest for the Author of "Luoyang Qielanji": From Probing Historical Evidence to Textual Analysis


王美秀(Mei-Hsiu Wang)


文本詮釋 ; 北朝文學 ; 洛陽伽藍記 ; 陽固 ; 楊衒之 ; text interpretation ; Northern Dynasties literature ; "Luoyang Qielanji" ; Yang Gu ; Yang Xuanzhi




56卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


53 - 82






”Luoyang Qielanji” is one of the representative works of Northern Dynasties Literature. For lack of historical evidence, the life of the author, Yang Xuanzhi, has remained in thick mist for more than two centuries. However, when turning attention toward text interpretations using traditional methods that usually rely on examining historical records, some modern scholars have gathered plausible factors worth considering. For instance, Yang Xuanzhi was possibly one of five sons of Yang Gu, a high court official of the Northern Wei dynasty. This essay discusses more profoundly this and other possibilities based on contributions made by scholars. First, Yang Xuanzhi must have been born to and raised in a high status literary family. Second, Yang Xuanzhi's strong sense of justice appeared very much alike that of his father, Yang Gu. Third, for repaying Prince Yuan Yi, who offered much assistance and favors to Yang Gu, all matters concerning Prince Yuan Yi in ”Luoyang Qielanji” were handled in the most favorable way for preservation and protection. Finally, this essay infers further that as Yang Xiuzhi's brother, Yang Xuanzhi had more opportunities than other people did to learn about the court secrets of Northern Wei, read state documents, and quote from them in his book. Moreover, if Yang Xuanzhi was Yang Gu's son, this paper seeks to explain the reason he included Tingsan Fu, regarded as a popular and funny work yet short of literary and artistic quality.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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