


The Effects of Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction on the Performance of Financial Education for Elementary Children with Intellectual Disabilitie




李俐瑩(Li-Ying Lee);吳柱龍(Chu-Lung Wu);侯禎塘(Chen-Tang Hou);羅日生(Jih-sheng Lo)


智能障礙 ; 多媒體電腦輔助教學 ; 理財教育 ; intellectual disabilities ; multimedia computer assisted instruction ; financial education




6期(2013 / 12 / 19)


23 - 41+43






The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of multimedia computer assisted instructions on the performance of financial education for elementary children with intellectual disabilities. A single-subject multiple probe across behaviors design was utilized in the study. Three subjects with intellectual disabilities were employed from a self-contained class of a primary school in Changhua County. The independent variable was the strategies of multimedia computer assisted instruction. The dependent variable was the performance of financial education as well as the correct rate that students responded in the teacher-made formative assessment of financial education. The instructional programs were designed by self-compiled instructional software, according to the instructional objectives and the content. The content of instruction includes three parts, Money Conception, Income and Reduce Expenditure, and Save Planning. The experimental instruction of each part was offered thirty minutes per period, three periods per week for ten weeks. The data were analyzed by visual analysis. The major results of this study were as follows: 1. After the intervention of computer-assisted instruction, the financial abilities of all subjects were significantly increased, maintained and could transfer to another reaction. 2. There is a high social validity for the multimedia computer assisted instruction to improve the financial ability for elementary children with intellectual disabilities. According to the results, the suggestions to instruction and further researches were recommended.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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