


The Multiple-Group Comparison Study between Elementary Gifted and Regular Student's Emotional Intelligence




張妤婷(Yu-Ting Chang)


情緒智力 ; 普通學生 ; 資優學生 ; emotional intelligence ; regular students ; gifted students




7期(2014 / 12 / 01)


51 - 73






The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between gifted and regular students in terms of emotional intelligence. The subjects were comprised of 149 gifted students and 441 regular students from elementary schools in the central area of Taiwan. The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire was employed. The data obtained were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The main findings of this study were as the following: 1. In terms of emotional intelligence, the regular students were superior to the gifted ones. 2. Significant difference in emotional intelligence found in both gifted and regular girl students Whose score were better than boys'. Especially, regular girls' scores was the best. Finally, the results of the study provide a conceptual framework for designing the educational and counseling programs and the future research in the area of gifted and regular education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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