The study was to construct a multiple abilities scales for children (MASC) with multiple agents, including teacher and parent rating. MASC was divided into five major parts as general abilities, artistic abilities, musical abilities, bodily-kinesthetic abilities and emotional abilities which consisted of eleven subscales respectively. They are linguistic, humanistic-social, mathematical, scientific, artistic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, creative, leadership, intrapersonal, and cognitive abilities. Results showed that the Cronbach α coefficient of subscales were .917~.973, while for the overall test it was .986~.992. The test-retest reliability coefficients over a perior of four weeks were .504~.950, while for the overall test it was .605~.915. It was found that the MASC were significantly related to the criteria-related tests. Two forms of MASC were found to be able to differentiate gifted students and regular students. Factor anslysis yielded five factors for MASC. The results showed that the scales had acceptable reliability and content, concurrent, discriminant, and construct validity. Finally, normalized T score norms and percentile ranks for total normal and disability subjects were also constructed.
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