


Row into deep Water: Exploring the Spiritual Formation of a Social Worker from the Writings of Chen E-Ing




王增勇(Tseng-Yong Wang);呂又慧(Yu-Hui Lu)


靈性修養 ; 社會工作 ; 管理主義 ; spiritual practice ; social work ; managerialism




1卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


55 - 82






Although the social work profession has its roots in Western Christianity, the spiritual element of social work has been lost in the pursuit for professional status through integrating itself with scientific disciplines. The recent years, however, there has been a growing awareness of spirituality and renewed interest in spiritual formation as social workers increasingly long for a meaningful connection with others, self and the world. Such longing has become even greater as managerialism has taken hold of the restructuring of the welfare state the past twenty years. This paper tries to explore the spiritual dimension and challenges faced by social workers by analyzing the text of a daily journal of one (female) social worker recorded over a period of four years. Through these personal narratives the author aims to outline the degree of how dehumanizing the contemporary social welfare system in Taiwan has become. Suggestions are considered on how to foster spirituality and the spiritual formation of social workers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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