


A Narrative Research on the Process of Grief Adjustment of Suicide Survivors who Lost Fathers in Their Childhood




劉麗惠(Li-Hui Liu);張淑美(Sue-May Chang)


自殺 ; 自殺者遺族 ; 悲傷調適歷程 ; 敘說研究 ; suicide ; survivor ; grief adjustment ; narrative research




2卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


33 - 73






The purpose of this research was to explore the impacts of the suicidal events upon the narrators whose fathers committed suicide in their childhood and the process of adjustment to the grief caused by their fathers' death. Gathering the information from storytelling, the researcher applied the ”category-content” approach of narrative inquiry to analyze and generalize the data. The results were as follows.First, the suicidal events affected the survivors strongly, and they made a longer and profounder impact on the survivors who lost fathers in their childhood. Second, the suicide survivors' process of grief adjustment was divided into three themes-experiencing grief, hiding grief and meaning reconstruction. Experiencing grief showed that the survivors got angry at their fathers' suicidal behavior. They got confused and did not understand why their fathers left them behind. Hiding grief represented that the survivors, influenced greatly by the family environment, would not like to talk about the dead at home. They could not express their sad feelings for the dead in public and could hardly get over their suffering. Moreover, the survivors were afraid that they might be different from others, and that they and their family might leave negative impressions on other people, so they chose to keep silent to protect themselves and their family. Meaning reconstruction indicated that the survivors, changing themselves and keeping away from grief after a period of time, adapted themselves again to the new surroundings and new life. They became more independent and had tried some new activities to make up for the loss and regret in the past.According to the study results, the researcher offered some concrete suggestions for social service, survivors of suicide and future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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