


Life Education in the Risk Society: From "Life Meaning" to "Life Politics"




黃騰(Teng Huang)


生命教育 ; 風險社會 ; 生命意義 ; 反思現代性 ; 通識教育 ; life education ; risk society ; life meaning ; reflexivity ; general education




4卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 25






Previous discourses on life education seemed to pay too much attention to ”individuals”, but not to ”society”. However, in this paper, I will argue that there is a complex relationship between individuals and society in the risk society. And this has lots implications for life education. There are mainly three parts of work in this paper. First, some of the features of risk society will be explained. Second, from these features, life education seems critical in the risk society. Third, two suggestions on the curricula of the risk society are proposed. First suggestion is that we should avoid the individualized discourses in life education and try to connect the individuals with society. Second suggestion is that life education should play a more active role on social transformation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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