”Comply with norm or transgress it?” this is a confusing question that I always get entangled. I am a recruit in the university. It has been very competitive in higher education in Taiwan following the trend of globalization and the increase of university number. As university teachers, we are required to be productive in order to maintain the existence of universities. In this context, outcomes of teaching and research have become the form of number that can be calculated and assessed. Teachers' subjects are objectified in this way I start from exploring Foucault's concept of 'norm' and 'normalization'. I think of how norm has been constituted in higher education and how myself has been normalized. In the dialogue between my work experience and Foucault's philosophy, I have been self-educating towards a more mature university teacher. This is my practice of life education by way of reading Foucault. In the end of this paper, I argue, to transgress the norm does not mean the act of breaking through present rules, or of finding out other answers outside the rule Instead, it is the endeavor to self-actualize and to self-improve under existing norms.
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